Devgiri Forgings / Technology Initiatives

MASO Group’s commitment to Quality, Precision, and Efficiency has led to the setting up of a Centralized In-house “Electronics and IT” team that is completely dedicated towards “Automation” projects. Projects are identified and solutions are designed and executed as per requirements.
Few Projects implemented at Devgiri Forgings:
Centralized Power Monitoring System
To have a better understanding of the plant’s entire power consumption and have an eye over the power factor and the maximum demand of the plant, we have implemented a centralized power monitoring system. In this system, we’ve used an IoT system which communicates with our energy meter, is able to read every detail from the meter and store it. All the details extracted from the meter are displayed throughout the company on various monitors so that all Managers and Supervisors have access to it and can hence, control the things accordingly. The system also sends an automated email every day about the power consumption of previous day, with average PF and MD.

Cell wise Power Monitoring System
Along with having a centralized monitoring system, we have also implemented a cellwise power monitoring system. In this system, we’ve connected IoT nodes with energy meters to each cell. There are total of 9 cells in our company and the cellwise power monitoring system monitors the energy consumption and power factor usage of each cell. Thereby gives us a complete view of total energy consumption and which cell consumes how much amount of energy. With this data, the Managers and Supervisors are able to handle all the operations in the plant in a better way. The cellwise power monitoring system displays the current consumption as well as yesterday’s consumption on an internal website which is displayed in multiple locations throughout the factory so that everyone can have a look at it during the work and make the necessary changes if needed.

Quantity Cross Verification System and Label printing using Weight sensor
To cross check the final packaged box, for the exact quantity of packaging, we’ve implemented a cross verification system using a weight sensor. The system checks for every box for the exact quantity depending on the pre-feed weight data. The system checks the weight of every packaged box and compares it with the stored values. If the values match within the specified tolerance, the dispatch label is printed which can be pasted on the box. If there is a quantity mismatch due to changes in the weight, then an alarm is generated and no label is printed. The operator then has to re-open the box for checking the quantity and product. All this data is fed into the system
Cell Performance Display
This is an electronic LED display which displays the performance of each cell. The data is gathered wirelessly from production department. It displays
- Date
- Planned monthly target
- Achieved monthly Target
- Daily Target
- Achieved Daily Target
- Rejection Quantity
- Plan Rejection PPM

CP / CPK Display
This is a small electronic display which displays the CP and CPK of a particular Part. These displays are installed with each CNC machine and the data is fed manually to the system. This display is useful for monitoring and inspection purpose to give an idea of a particular part which is being manufactured

Production Counters
We’ve manufactured and implemented production line counters with wireless connectivity. These counters can count the parts which pass in-front of sensors and they also send the data wirelessly to a remote computer. A software on computer then analyses the data and sends an email.

Final Inspection using Machine Learning
This is a machine vision project installed in final section for counting the parts being inspected. With an extensive research and development in AI and Machine learning, we have developed this system in-house which can work flawlessly in all light conditions and even without using industrial cameras and costly vision system. We’ve performed and implemented machine learning using large data of production images.

Industrial Internet of Things
MASO group believes in building Intelligence within the manufacturing systems. Our manufacturing environment consists of automated “Information Gathering” and “Man-Machine Interface” workflow. This allows the MASO management a complete visibility and continuous scope of optimization of its manufacturing activities. MASO takes pride in having an in-house wing that specifically provides for the “Industrial Automation” requirements. Our “TECHNOLOGY CENTRE”, which is the in-house wing for developing and executing the “Industrial Automation” requirements shows our commitment to TECHNOLOGY. A dedicated team is constantly at work to build electronic hardware and software modules to achieve “Manufacturing Integrated Environment”.
- This system has been designed to capture
- Production efficiency
- Maintenance parameters monitoring on each CNC machine.
- Quality monitoring
- A “processor board” hardware is connected to each machine, along with I/O devices
- Interactive software
- All data is stored in database for MIS
- SMS integration for alarms reporting

Industrial Automation

Inhouse team Bringing Scientific Approach to Manufacturing
Production Monitoring : Machine Intelligence System
- Each CNC Machine has a connected gateway
- Extract the production data from machine
- Centralized Logging on Secure Local Server
- OEE Calculation and Production Reports
- Daily email reporting

Material Tracking System
- Material tracking software
- Each point in factory has to log information in the software
- Complete process and material movement inside factory is logged
- Trace-ability
- Increased accountability on production

Quality Control : Vision Systems
- Vision systems for precise fault detection
- Latest and most rugged system for better repeat-ability
- Used for Part Defect Detection, PokaYoke, Metal QR Code / DPM Detection and Part Counting

Energy Monitoring Systems
- Single Point Energy Monitoring System
- Monitoring of GRID, Individual Cells Consumption
- Daily Emails
- Monitoring of Solar Power Generation


MASO Group’s vision of keeping up with everchanging technology has led to setting up of a ‘Robotics Division’ led by a team of talented Industrial engineers. Their sole focus being expediating manufacturing processes, making them more efficient, cost effective with almost no human error.
- Four robotic cells have been developed in Devgiri Forgings as of now with complete robotic installation and programming done inhouse for these divisions.
- These robots are capable of handling multiple machines at a single time and come with auto correction gauge unit.